What We Do
Why might I go see my Class Dean?
There are five deans in the Deans’ Office for Advising and Support: The Dean for Academic Planning and Class Advising, who leads the Office, and the four Class Deans. Class Deans are available for appointments year-round. During the academic year, they communicate with their respective classes in weekly 411 e-newsletters, which relay information about academic deadlines, events, and other opportunities on campus. Barnard students are generally encouraged to meet with their dean. Here are some particular instances in which they might do so:
- I have a specific academic concern/question.
- I have general questions about academics and life at Barnard, such as: I am trying to figure out what major to pursue; I want to make sure I understand my degree requirements and am on track to graduate; I am curious about what resources are available to me while I am here.
- I am dealing with a personal issue, and I need help communicating with my professors about it. I’m also wondering what forms of support are available to me on campus.
- I have consulted with my pre-major/faculty adviser, but feel I need additional academic advising.*
- I am struggling in a particular class and wondering if I can get some extra help in it.
- I am struggling with time management and getting things done.
- I am thinking about taking a break from Barnard and want to learn more about leaves of absence and the process of returning from them.
- I have a problem/question and I don’t know where to go.
- I’d love an opportunity to meet my dean and talk about how my year is going.
*see Academic Advising at Barnard to see how Class Dean advising dovetails with pre-major and major advising.
Additionally, the Deans’ Office for Advising and Support provides the following resources
- Peer Tutoring
Peer tutors meet on a weekly basis throughout the semester in small groups of students (no more than three) who need additional support in a particular class. If you are interested in requesting – or becoming – a peer tutor, please visit our site email peertopeer@whtmy.com. - Academic Coaching
Academic Coaching provides tailored, one-on-one support to any student who is struggling to get things done. Make an appointment with our Academic Coach and Program Coordinator for a consultation, and to discuss a potential match with a Peer Academic Coach. - Support for Transfer Students
Students who transfer to Barnard can expect to be connected with many resources, including Associate Dean for Transfer Students (and Sophomore Class Dean) Mary Laurita. They will receive the Transfer Academic Guide and access to the Transfer Community canvas site. The Transfer Student Advisory Board is composed of upper class transfer students committed to facilitating a smooth transition to Barnard for new transfer students. If you are a transfer student with questions, a good place to start is an email to transferadvising@whtmy.com. - Honor Board
Housed within the Deans’ Office for Advising and Support and advised by the Sophomore Class Dean, the Honor Board is composed of eight to ten students from the sophomore, junior and senior classes and up to three faculty members. Its role is to engage and educate Barnard students about the Honor System, which includes the Barnard Honor Code. Applications to the Honor Board become available each Spring semester. - Leaves of Absence and Returns
Any student contemplating taking a break from Barnard College should consult with the College Case Manager and Leaves and Returns Coordinator, who will answer any questions about the process and shepherd students through it. Make an appointment with the College Case Manager or reach out by email.