Outgoing Mail for Faculty and Staff
Outgoing mail is processed Monday–Friday by Mail Services staff in Altschul. Please review the procedures for preparing the various types of mail in order to get the best pricing and most efficient service. Note: processing fees are charged for most services.
Pickup and drop off
If you do not have a large quantity of mail, you may hand it over when the Mail Clerk comes to your department office during the delivery route. Otherwise, please bring your mail to the Altschul service window and give it to a clerk or put it in the appropriate mail slot; please read the slot labels carefully before depositing your mail.
Please ensure all outgoing mail is dropped off by 3:00pm for pick-up by outside carriers (Columbia, FedEx, USPS, UPS). Any mail dropped off after the processing deadline on Fridays or the day before holidays will not be mailed until the following business day.
Daily Desktop Mail
Faculty and staff should use envelopes with their department line on the return address for outgoing College mail. Envelopes without the department line may be opened and returned if we cannot determine what department to charge. Faculty and staff are not permitted to charge their personal mail to a department account, but may drop off stamped personal mail for hand-off by Mail Services to a postal employee.
Letter size mail
Mail Services meters department letter mail. When presenting business mail for metering, please close the flaps, but do not seal. Exception: keep the envelopes flapped open for A-style invitation envelopes.
Flat mail (large envelopes)
Flats can be sent at USPS First Class rates or at a discount rate with 4-7 day service.
Special preparation for discounts: No 1st class markings on envelope. Address must be positioned fully on right half of landscape envelope. No handwritten addresses. See this Flat Mail graphic for proper preparation of large envelopes with landscape orientation.
International mail
International mail is routed through the USPS and discount re-mailers. Special preparation for discounts: No 1st class markings on envelope or package. Print label or write clearly in block letters.
Certified Mail with Return Receipt
Certified Mail with Return Receipt is used to track USPS First Class mail and to receive a signature with proof of date and delivery time. Certified Mail forms and Return Receipt cards are available at Mail Services. Please be sure to follow the written instructions and complete all required information on the form and card before submitting for mailing.
Letter size mail
Mail Services meters department letter mail. When presenting business mail for metering, please close the flaps, but do not seal. Exception: keep the envelopes flapped open for A-style invitation envelopes.
Please rubber band departmental mail. Be sure to write your Account Name and Number on an attached piece of paper if there is no departmental return address, or if you need to charge a different account. Mail Services staff will open unidentified outgoing mail.
Please see this #10 Envelope graphic for proper position of the return and delivery address on a letter size business envelope.
Flat mail (large envelopes)
Flats can be sent at USPS First Class rates or at a discount rate with 4-7 day service.
Special preparation for discounts: No 1st class markings on envelope. Address must be positioned fully on right half of landscape envelope. No handwritten addresses. See this Flat Mail graphic for proper preparation of large envelopes with landscape orientation.
International mail
International mail is routed through the USPS and discount re-mailers. Special preparation for discounts: No 1st class markings on envelope or package. Print label or write clearly in block letters.
Stamp purchases
Mail Services does not sell postage stamps. Forever Stamps are always sold at the same price as a regular First Class Mail stamp and can be used to mail a one-ounce letter regardless of when the stamps were purchased and no matter how prices may change in the future.
Permit Mailings
Mail Services maintains Non-Profit and First Class permits under the Barnard College name. We work with various outside printers and mailing houses to comply with all USPS regulations for discounted mailings and to streamline postage payments. Please complete the Requisition for Addressing & Mailing Services for any permit mailing. You may contact the Manager of Business Operations, Aaron Kinard at printing@whtmy.com.
Business Reply Mail
Department wishing to use any type of Business Reply mail (Postage Paid by Addressee) or Courtesy Reply mail (Place Stamp Here) should contact Print Services. Print Services will create the design using special USPS approved software.
Business Reply mailings must conform to a strict USPS design standard. All such designs, whether printed here or with another vendor, must be approved by the Manager of Business Operations each time they are used as the requirements may change from year-to-year.
Outgoing FedEx Shipments
Barnard College uses FedEx as its primary vendor for Express and Ground shipping. The College receives discounted rates which are passed along to departments. Mail Services supplies FedEx envelopes and boxes for express services. There is no charge for these materials, but FedEx does not allow express packaging to be used for ground shipments.
If you require a departmental online FedEx account for generation shipping labels, please contact Olive Conteh-Martyn, oconteh@whtmy.com.